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Psychologist Session


Consultations are provided by a Registered Nutritional Therapist trained and experienced in a Functional Medicine approach, using biomedical testing where appropriate; to help resolve any co-occurring troubling health issues. These are often seen alongside Autism and other developmental conditions and disabilities and can impact significantly on cognition and function


Time is taken to gain a thorough history of the client and to establish their current presentation. Suggestions are made in discussion with the client and/or their parents to determine the best route forward. At the Autism Wellness Centre we understand that parents know their children best and we take time to listen to what they have to say, taking their views into account, working in partnership to achieve the best outcomes


Clients and/or their parents are asked to completed a detailed health questionnaire and a food diary before attending the consultation. Occasionally the completion of a weekly stool chart is also required, particularly if the client has severe gut issues. These will be sent to you following the booking of an appointment and must be returned at least 48 hours before the consultation to allow time for an initial evaluation prior to your attendance at the clinic.

Further information and Fee details




Opening Hours

Tues - Sat: 10am - 6pm






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© Autism Wellness Centre 2013


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