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Initial Consultation:

An Initial Consultation usually lasts approximately 90 minutes. These can be undertaken in person or online via a video link. Please note if the appointment is for a child they need to be present for at least some of Initial Consultation

Total cost including a written Health Improvement Plan Report, Supplement suggestions and ongoing email support to discuss the recommendations (for up to 3 months or until the next Follow Up appointment - whichever comes first) is £195

Initial Follow Up Consultation:

An Initial Follow Up Consultation of 1 hour 15 minutes is usually needed, to discuss progress with the previous recommendations and any Test Results; this is so a Plan of Action can be made to address any findings

Total cost including updating of the Health Improvement Plan Report is £150

Follow Up Consultations:

Regular Follow Up Consultations are usually really helpful for improving the consistency of progress, a 45 minute appointment every 8-12 weeks whilst following the individualised protocol is ideal. This is so you can get the most out of this health improvement process with regular input from a knowledgeable Therapist. 

Total cost for a 45 minute appointment including updating of the Health Improvement Plan Report is £90

Shorter Appointments of 30 minutes, costing £60, are also available, to discuss intermediate queries which focus on a single aspect of the plan

Payment for Consultations is due 48 hours before the appointment time either by Debit/Credit Card or Bank Transfer

Preparation for your appointment

Once you have booked an Initial Consultation, for yourself or your child, you will be asked to complete a comprehensive health questionnaire and 3 day food diary, which needs to be returned at least 2 days prior to the appointment. This is a very important part of the process as an initial evaluation takes place before being seen in Clinic, so we can make the best use of the time we have together


Initial Consultations can take place either in person or via a video link, whichever you prefer. However if you choose the video link option your child does still need to be present, for at least some of the time


If you decide to attend the Clinic in person please let the Therapist know if you have any specific needs that require attention in advance, to help make the Initial Consultation run as smoothly as possible. Children are welcome to bring favourite toys, snacks, drinks, iPads, etc. The Clinic does have some toys and books, which are often quite popular. Toilet facilities are available if needed. Social distancing measures and the wearing of masks are still preferred, unless exempt, for all in person appointments 



At the appointment


We delve deeper into you or your child's health history, current symptoms and presentation, to find ways we can help. Explanations and suggestions will be made about potential pathways that need attention, to help improve the present situation for the better. Relevant information is gathered during this thorough process, to find the best route forward for your unique circumstances


We will discuss specific health concerns as well as gain a thorough overview of eating habits, lifestyle and family history. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions of the Therapist or express any preferences about the area you feel needs the most work. Working with us is a partnership, building a healthier, happier future together.



After the appointment


You will be sent details about the Supplement and Test suggestions, usually the next working day or sooner. This will include details about where to purchase the supplements. If you want to order any test kits please request these by emailing the clinic with details of the specific test(s) you wish to order. Test kits can only be ordered once an Initial Consultation has taken place, where an assessment of clinical need for testing takes place


Biomedical Testing and Supplements are an additional cost, which can be purchased individually as and when needed


Following on from this an individualised Health Improvement Plan (HIP) Report will be written and sent out, usually within a week. This details the clinic discussion, health history, observations, dietary advice and recommendations for improving health and developmental progression going forward


If you have any questions about the recommendations in the HIP, email responses to these are included in the consultation fee. Any other unrelated questions can be answered at a Follow Up appointment. Here at the Autism Wellness Centre we like to offer ongoing support to help you make the changes needed to achieve a positive outcome






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